How to Make a New Hugo Academic Post
and other useful hugo notes
This post details how to add a post to a hugo-academic website. There are also some notes add the end of the post related to updating a hugo-academic website, but unrelated to making a post.
Make a new post
From root directory run:
hugo new post/my-post
This creates a directory in content/post/
titled my-post
Edit the
markdown file inside this directory.
Build Site
To build the website locally, from the root directory run:
Preview Site
To preview site, from root directory run
hugo server
and then navigate to http://localhost:1313
in your browser
Push to github (which is then automatically deployed with netflfy)
From root directory,
git add -A
# etc...
Other Notes
Add new section (eg. posters) with links to pdfs
Create directorys and files:
mkdir content/posters
touch content/posters/
mkdir layouts
mkdir layouts/posters
touch layouts/posters/list.html
mkdir data
touch data/posters.yml
mkdir static/files/posters
title: "Posters"
type: "posters"
{{ define "main" }}
<h1 style="margin-top: 50px; margin-left: 50px;">{{ .Title }}</h1>
{{ range .Site.Data.posters.posters }}
<a href="{{ .url }}" target="_blank">{{ .title }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Update config/default/menus.toml
to include posters menu item:
name = "Posters"
url = "posters/"
weight = 5
Finally, put the poster pdfs in static/files/posters/
and update data/posters.yml
- title: "Poster 1"
url: "/static/files/poster1.pdf"
- title: "Poster 2"
url: "/static/files/poster2.pdf"
Add new directory to top bar of home page
Uncomment relevent sections of config/_default/menus.toml
Remove sharing buttons at bottom of a post
Set sharing = false
in config/_default/params.toml
Update CV
Update static/files/cv/wyatt_madden_cv.tex
and render.
Add widget to home page
Add widgets to home page by setting active = true
in corresponding widget markdown file in content/home/
Adjust post page settings
Update content/post/
. Eg. view = 1
corresponds with settings listed in content/home/